The Elementary Institute of Science (San Diego, CA)
Strategic Capacity Building and Facility Capital Campaign
As a small grassroots organization crowded with students in a deteriorating space and limited fundraising capacity, the team at the Elementary Institute of Science (EIS) had a big dream — to build a large state-of-the-art science and technology center providing a jumpstart for the diverse youth of their community.
In a bold and nontraditional fundraising campaign, Jennifer and Ron partnered with the EIS team to launch a Youth Leadership Board, initiate a new strategic plan, and expand and diversify its annual fund. They then worked alongside EIS to achieve campaign readiness and served as campaign counsel to the board, staff, and the youth in conducting the Institute’s first capital campaign. After this $4 million campaign topped $6 million, they also provided oversight for facility construction management of the EIS new 15,000-square-foot state-of-the-art facility.