Courageous Philanthropy is a story about power, risk, equity and ownership in community change.

courageous philanthropy

When transformation is needed, courage is required. This book is about taking the dare.

In the struggle to deal with large-scale disinvestment, rampant gentrification, and the unjust narrative of race and real estate, Jennifer Vanica shares the power and possibility of achieving a shift in the fundamental long-term community control over decisions and assets through the resident ownership of neighborhood change.

It is time to forge a new, more courageous relationship between foundations and the communities we serve.

A risk-taking project to develop a toxic industrial site, Market Creek was groundbreaking in its resident-driven approach, guiding principles, ownership structure, and intentional strategies for addressing power dynamics between foundations and communities. Using the lessons from this 20-year experience, Jennifer Vanica brings forward the voice of both residents and partners who participated, as well as over 50 thought-leaders in the field of philanthropy and community-building, to bring forward a comprehensive look what works and what stands in the way of change.

As a call to action for philanthropy to change historical practices that keep community change from being powerful, impactful, and enduring, Courageous Philanthropy shares tools, structures and strategies for a new way to partner that will inspire its readers to re-imagine what is possible.

About the Author

jennifer vanica

Jennifer Vanica

Author of "Courageous Philanthropy: Going Public in a Closely Held World"

Jennifer Vanica is a forty-year veteran in philanthropy and community change. Under her leadership, the Jacobs Family Foundation received the Council on Foundations' Critical Impact Award for innovative and bold solutions to enhance the public good, and in 2009, Jennifer was recognized with the James Irvine Leadership Award for California leaders who are implementing innovative and effective solutions to significant state issues. She writes and speaks on the power of community ownership as the key to inspired civic action and community transformation.

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