Making “America Great – for All, for the First Time”
Jennifer Vanica | December 5, 2016

“Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.” — James Baldwin
We salute PolicyLink, which over its history, has grown from an idea to a movement, fighting for just and fair inclusion of all people to participate, prosper and reach their full potential. In their November 14, 2016 blog post, titled “Our Response: Resistance,” a powerful statement of reflection, strength, resistance, and persistence is put forth to encourage us all to continue our work to create a common bond and build an inclusive society.
In our effort to be a country that honors differences; values reciprocal relationships, cooperation, and respect; is built on the concept of “dignity for all;” appreciates our interconnectedness; and continually searches for new and peaceful ways to relate people-to-people/nation-to-nation — I am grateful this holiday season to be a part of this movement moving aggressively to defend and advance hard-fought gains toward these ends, and which “with the nation’s children as our witnesses,” will continue its push to “make America great — for All, for the first time.”